Interview Ivan Sokolov
If you wouldn’t play chess, in what sport you would (want to) be a professional? And of all professions?
I like football, basketball, and boxing… But liking it and having the ability/talent to do it is not quite the same thing. If we suppose I was not a chess player (and also not in sports), I probably have had interest in financial markets.
According to you, how big is the factor luck in chess?
In chess, sports or life – you create your luck!
If you could change one rule in chess, what would it be?
Time increment. This is a ridiculous rule, because it helps people with bad time management. Time management is (mostly) a matter of self discipline and if a player manages his/her time badly -there should be a consequence.
What about playing some rounds Fischer Random? Or change the system of pairings to only announce it a few minutes before a game, in order to discourage preparation? Or to play on for three points, as where after a draw a blitz game decides the third point?
I like Fischer Random and would love to see it played using a regular time limit and have more of this type events in general. The other two proposals I am not crazy about. Certainly not supporting the ‘blitz decision idea’ .
How does a standard day looks like in the life of Ivan Sokolov?
Depending of many things and not sure as to how to define my ‘standard day’. I do many different things , but I’m not exactly an office clerk. So, lets not get into describing my ‘standard day’.
What was the best chess advice given to you?
Tough to say. Perhaps – ’to look for a ‘recognized profession’ ?….an advice I obviously ignored 😉
Who is your favorite opponent? And who do you really like to play one day?
I have played (almost) every single player from the world top (and most of them several times), so no special desires there.
Is there a way to recognize the chess player in a crowd?
It certainly is, but difficult to give a clear ‘manual’.
Chess, is it – according to you – art, science, game, sport or just a way to keep the crazy people sane?
It’s the combination of all the above, though the sport part/result part is becoming more pronounced. Kortchnoi once said: all grandmasters are crazy, just the degree differs ?….so draw your conclusions.
What’s the longest period after another, you are able not to think of chess?
I can easily spend days not thinking of chess at all.
Artificial Intelligence takes over chess, one could say. What do you think, shall it also take over life itself eventually?
I hope not!
What memories does Groningen bring back to you?
Many different memories. Starting with European junior in 1986/87, PCA Interzonal 1993, FIDE Knock Out in 1997, a number of round robin GM-events in the nineties, playing for two different clubs…. Definitely a colorful mozaïek of memories – difficult to single something out.
Interview Lucas van Foreest
If you wouldn’t play chess, in what sport you would (want to) be a professional? And of all professions?
Arm-wrestler, or a cook.
According to you, how big is the factor luck in chess?
I don’t know how big of a factor luck is, but for some reason, the stronger player is always the lucky one. Just looking at one game, the factor seems to be quite big, For this, it is easily possible to beat a much stronger player. But in the long term, just like in poker, it will not play a big role.
If you could change one rule in chess, what would it be?
Remove the draw offer. Players should fight till the end.
What about playing some rounds Fischer Random? Or change the system of pairings to only announce it a few minutes before a game, in order to discourage preparation? Or to play on for three points, as where after a draw a blitz game decides the third point?
Fisher Random is fun, but it should not overtake normal chess. Openings are an essential part of the game. It should not be removed. To always have a winner is interesting, we will have to see how that goes during Norway Chess.
What does a normal/standard day look like in the life of Lucas van Foreest?
School between 11 and 4, and after that some chess and physical activities.
What was the best chess advice given to you?
‘Playing badly can happen, but losing without a fight cannot’ – Benjamin Bok
How would you describe your playing style?
I try to achieve positional gains by calculation.
Who is your favorite opponent? And who do you really like to play one day?
Sipke Ernst. I would really like to play Karjakin sometime.
Is there a way to recognize the chess player in a crowd?
Well dressed and lost in thoughts.
Chess, is it – according to you – art, science, game, sport or just a way to keep the crazy people sane?
A sport.
What’s the longest period after another, you are able not to think of chess?
I only think of chess when I am breathing.
Artificial Intelligence takes over chess, one could say. What do you think, shall it also take over life itself eventually?
Artificial Intelligence is currently not overtaking chess, Stockfish is. AI will not overtake humans, but they will function as great tools for humans.
What is your (own) favorite game and why?
My game against Amin, I beat a strong player in wild complications.
Sokolov verslaat Van Foreest
30 december
In een scherpe Italiaan moest Sokolov uiteindelijk een kwaliteit geven om de sterke witte vrijpion op e6 – en later zelfs op e7 – uit te schakelen. Maar zwart had daarvoor wel twee pionnen en heel mooie stukken. Remise leek al vrij snel een normaal resultaat in deze vierde en laatste matchpartij, en kort na […]
Sokolov deelt eerste klap uit
27 december
In de University Challenge heeft Ivan Sokolov met wit de eerste matchpartij gewonnen van Lucas van Foreest. Soepel kwam deze overwinning allerminst tot stand. Sokolov zette zoals altijd de partij met wit agressief op, maar zijn aanvalspogingen werden vakkundig opgevangen en daarna rammelde de wankele witte stelling aan alle kanten. Van Foreest kon echter geen […]