Last year, besides all chess related events, our very own tournament T-shirts were a great hit. Unfortunately, they were soon sold out. Also, the available sizes were no perfect fit for everybody.
Well, none of that this year around. When paying the entry fee via the website*, you can actually pre-order this years T-shirt in your own size. Just as a sample we present you with some photographs of last years T-shirt. Take note: the names of all participants, and yes, that will include yours as well !, are printed on the back of the shirt.
For no more than 20,- euro you will be the proud wearer of our exclusive Chessfestival Groningen 2023 T-shirt!

* Of course, when using a banktransfer to wire the entry fee, you can also pay for your T-shirt. Just make shure to let us know what size(s) you want to order.